If you decide that you want to date your best friend, chances are you think this is a fabulous idea. Who else do you have so much in common with or who lease are you ever going to be that close to? Going beyond a friendship might seem strange but when you have a date… Continue reading
Author: Lauren MacFadden
Getting Rid of Your Trust Issues
Having a partner means that you need to face issues that you have with your past. Do you remember things that happened to you that left you feeling untrusting and betrayed and you are having a hard time trusting your current partner? If this happens, know that truth is easy for some and others have… Continue reading
Consider This Before Forgiving a Cheater
Cheating is one of those topics that we may know a great deal about because we have dealt with it, but do not often discuss because it is delicate and painful. Still, men cheat on women all the time, and vice versa if we are honest, so it is something we will likely face in… Continue reading
Being Needy in a Relationship
You should feel good in your relationship and being in a relationship should make you feel full of life and happy. Just because you want to be the best person that you can be and be happy with your partner doesn’t always mean that you can feel this way. Some people will notice that they… Continue reading
When to Report Harassment
Have you ever been harassed at work or even at school? One topic that many people avoid talking about tis harassment because no one ever seems to be really sure what makes harassment, harassment and where the lines really are. People are afraid to talk about it or afraid that they will have issues. When… Continue reading
Are You Sure They are the One?
Being with someone that you love and care about should mean that you are able to open up to each other and be honest. You should be comfortable and be able to discuss almost any issues. If you are with someone that you care about, but they will not emotionally open up to you then… Continue reading
Letting Go After a Breakup
Breakups are difficult and involve multiple aspects to fully let go and heal. When a relationship was important to you, there’s no way to switch off your emotions after it ends. Love, affection, attraction, and many other feelings will likely linger, and no standard answer exists when it comes to letting go. When you’re still… Continue reading
Does He Like Me?
When a guy and a girl are friends, things might start to change at one point or another. Maybe you get flirty with them or maybe they get flirty with you. Being super close to a guy is something that can be a good relationship but when they are doing things to make you think… Continue reading
Signs a Guy Doesn’t Like You
When you wonder if a guy likes you, this is something you should really look in to. Do not give your heart to someone that makes you wonder what they are feeling. There are many signs that shows you that a guy is interested but there are also signs that shows you when a guy… Continue reading
Use One Sentence for Ultimate Seduction
Want to know how to send the right vibe? Use the planets and stars to help you enhance the mood. Everyone has a zodiac sign and each sign sets the sensual personality. That means there are certain things a Gemini will love to hear compared to things that turn a Pieces on. Remarkably, you can… Continue reading