Falling in love with a best friend can be scary. Rejection is never fun, but if we can recognize the signs, that friendship is moving into the romantic territory, then we can save ourselves from heartache. If you are a guy who is attracted to your female best friend, make sure it is not just lust. A friends with benefits situation never ends well and will ruin a friendship. If it is a true connection, still prepare for the worst of losing a friend if they do not reciprocate. If you believe they feel the same, then talk about it. If you start dating, be prepared for the relationship to change because the dynamics are much different.
Be prepared to understand the difference between friendship and a relationship by using these signs that will help you make a decision.
- A man’s best friend can safely call his girlfriend if there is a problem. The girlfriend will know that his best interests are at heart. If the call is from someone who wants more, then it will come out and fighting may begin.
- A man’s best friend can hang out with his girlfriend without issue, but if he finds you attractive, it will get uncomfortable quickly.
- Men confide in friends who are girls about other girls, but if he wants something more than this is not an option.
- A best friend can be mouthy without concern, but a girlfriend is one that makes decisions critical.
- If you are strictly friends then her going out of town with your girlfriend or other guy friends will not be of concern.
- A best friend can have spare keys, but a girlfriend, early on, may be too nosy.
- A best friend can listen to stories of the past and laugh them off, but some stuff is kept private from girlfriends.
- Strictly best friend relationships are drama free. A relationship always brings a bit of drama.
- A best friend will serve as a scape goat, though they may not like it, but in a girlfriend position this is not an option.
- If you are just friends, you will enjoy listening to the other person, but in a relationship, you must listen to make it last.
- A best friend will accept you, warts and all with inner secrets exposed, but girlfriends tend to only want to see the positives.
- If you are strictly a best friend, there will be no jealousy of a relationship because there is no sexual component.
- A man can desire his best friend, but this does not mean a relationship will happen. Some people really are just friends.
- A man’s female best friend does not need his care because there is no relationship, just friendship.
- A best friend can be trusted more than a girlfriend because there is no heated emotional component. Only love can lead to hate.
- A best friend can criticize without anyone freaking out. A relationship in which someone is criticized will end badly.
- A best friend is not a primary source of happiness, but in a relationship the significant other is over time.
- Money can determine relationship over friendship. A best friend will keep your money safe, but it will take time to earn that trust with a girlfriend.